GEOG 202 - World Regional Geography

General Education Goals:

This course fulfills social science general education course requirements. It specifically addresses the following general education learning goals: Students develop social responsibility and preparation for citizenship through global awareness, environmental sensitivity, and an appreciation of cultural diversity.

Course Overview

GEOG 202 is an introduction to the geographical and historical processes that have shaped different world regions. Its focus is on the physical landscapes, cultural attributes historical events and economic/political forces distinctive to each region, as well as the interconnectivity of these factors within the world system.

The specific objectives of the course are as follows:


Grading (weighted as follows):

Exams (65%): There will be 3 exams: 2 midterms and 1 final exam. Exams are not cumulative. Each exam is weighted equally and taken together will represent 65% of your grade. Exam questions will be multiple choice, map identification or short answer and will cover material covered in class or from your textbooks, including any videos shown in class. A list of terms to study for will be provided before each exam. You must take the exam at the assigned time. If you are concerned about missing an exam please speak to me well in advance.

Map Quizzes (35%): There will be 10 map quizzes on identifications. Your lowest quiz grade will be dropped, and the other nine scores will comprise 35% of your total grade. Map quizzes will require a basic knowledge of the location of countries, major cities, and physical features. There will be no makeup quizzes.

Final grades will be determined as follows: A (more than 90%), B (between 80% and 90%), C (between 70% and 80%), D (55% and 70%), and F (less than 55%).

Class Policies

Class Etiquette: : Please be punctual and turn cell-phones off prior to class. Laptop use is limited to note taking only (and not for the internet). Respect, courtesy and tolerance should be extended to all other students. Although roll will not be taken, students are expected to attend every class.

Late Work: There will be no make-ups for quizzes. If you miss a quiz, that grade will count as your low grade and will be dropped. There will be no make-up for the exams unless you experience a documented emergency or an excused absence.

Academic Honesty: Be honest. Cheaters never prosper.

Questions and/or Concerns: Emails are more than welcome and I will try to respond to them in a timely manner (definitely within 24 hours, usually sooner). If you are having problems with the course material, please contact me as soon as possible.

Course Schedule

  Lecture Assessment
Week 1
Jan. 15

Introduction to Course


Week 2
Jan. 22



Week 3
Jan. 29

Russia & Central Asia

Map Quiz #1: Europe

Week 4
Feb. 5

North America / Review for Exam #1

Map Quiz #2: Russia & Central Asia

Week 5
Feb. 12


Exam #1

Week 6
Feb. 19

Mexico & Central Asia

Map Quiz #3: North America

Week 7
Feb. 26

South America

Map Quiz #4: Central America

Week 8
March 5

Sub-Saharan Africa

Map Quiz #5: South America

Spring Break: March 12



Week 9
Mar. 19

Middle East & North Africa / Review for Exam #2

Map Quiz #6: Sub-Saharan Africa

Week 10
Mar 26


Exam #2

Week 11
April 2

South Asia

Map Quiz #7: Middle East & North Africa

Week 12
April 9

East Asia

Map Quiz #8: South Asia

Week 13
April 16

Southeast Asia

Map Quiz #9: East Asia

Week 14
April 23


Map Quiz #10: Southeast Asia

Week 15
April 30

Review for Exam #3


Week 16
May 7

Exam #3: Wednesday, May 7th; 6:00 - 7:50pm

Instructor Information

Taught by Mike Ribant

Mike Ribant M.A.; A.B.D., is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Geography at Northern Illinois University, where he has taught World Geography for the past three years and was named Outstanding Graduate Student in 2013. His interests are in the areas of urban geography, GIS, web mapping, spatial analysis, public finance and population geography. His dissertation research aims to better understand America’s post-industrial, shrinking cities and examines various operationalized and postulated methods for ”right-sizing“ them. In 2011 Ribant won the Student Poster Competition at the Illinois GIS Association (ILGISA) annual conference. Prior to entering graduate school in 2007, Ribant owned a retail coffee chain in downtown San Diego. An avid fly-fishing enthusiast, Ribant is the editor of two books about fishing: The U.S. Bass Atlas and The U.S. Trout Atlas.


Davis Hall, Room 210
Northern Illinois University
Dekalb, IL 60115

Interactive World Map

Useful as a quiz study-guide: Hover over a country and view the popup menu in the upper right for detailed country information. Left-click and hold to pan map, use icons in upper left to zoom in or out.


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